HAALS Research
Brief Summary
Research studies related to Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE were conducted in the past and can be categorized into foundational research, formative research, and summative research. Here are examples of each type of study:
Foundational Research:
Literature reviews: Previous studies reviewed existing literature on the concept of Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE, explored its theoretical foundations, and identified key factors that contribute to effective learning environments at home.
Desktop research: Researchers at SpacECE conducted in-depth online research to gather information on best practices, strategies, and models for implementing Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE.
Formative Research:
Usability studies: Researchers assessed the usability and effectiveness of various educational tools, technologies, or resources used in a home learning environment.
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Feasibility studies: Previous studies examined the practicality and viability of implementing Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE initiatives, considering factors such as accessibility, affordability, and parental engagement.
Case studies: Researchers conducted in-depth investigations of specific households or families to understand their experiences, challenges, and successes in establishing a home learning environment.
User interviews: Insights and feedback were gathered from parents, caregivers, and children about their past perceptions, needs, and preferences related to Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE.
Implementation studies: Previous studies assessed the implementation process of Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE initiatives, identifying key factors that contributed to successful adoption and implementation.
Summative Research:
Correlational studies: Previous studies examined the relationship between the quality of Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE and academic outcomes, social-emotional development, or other relevant variables.
Quasi-experimental studies: Researchers evaluated the impact of specific interventions or programs related to Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE on learning outcomes, comparing groups with and without the intervention.
Randomized control studies: Controlled experiments were conducted to measure the causal impact of Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE interventions on educational outcomes, with participants randomly assigned to intervention and control groups.
These past research studies collectively contributed to advancing the understanding of Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE and its effectiveness in supporting children's learning and development in the home environment.