TE&E on Performance Grading Index

PGI 2.0

Nurturing the Future: The Importance of Teacher Education & Training 

Introduction: Teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of our children and, in turn, the future of our nation. They have traditionally held a revered position in Indian society, as they were considered the most respected members - the gurus who imparted knowledge, skills, and ethics to students. However, the quality of teacher education, recruitment, deployment, service conditions, and empowerment of teachers in recent times have fallen short of the desired standards. To ensure a brighter future for our children and our nation, it is imperative to restore the high respect and status of the teaching profession. This is precisely what the Teacher Education & Training (TE&T) domain of the Performance Grading Index (PGI) 2.0 aims to address. 

Context: The Performance Grading Index (PGI) has undergone significant changes and is now known as PGI 2.0. The aim of PGI 2.0 is to help states and union territories (UTs) improve education outcomes by implementing various interventions. The new version of PGI is based on 73 indicators grouped into 2 categories and 6 domains. The data for most indicators are automatically filled from sources like UDISE+, NAS, PM POSHAN portal, PRABAND portal, and Vidyanjali Portal. States/UTs only need to verify and fill in data for a few indicators. The PGI 2.0 score is computed based on the final data provided by the States/UTs.

The PGI structure includes categories such as Outcomes and Governance & Management, with indicators focused on learning outcomes, access, infrastructure, equity, governance processes, and teacher education & training. The points assigned to indicators range from 5 to 20, and the weightage given to each domain varies from 80 to 260. PGI 2.0 gives more weightage to qualitative indicators such as learning outcomes, equity, and teacher education & training. The scores are classified into different grades, ranging from Daksh (highest) to Akanshi-3 (lowest), based on the percentage of total points achieved.

The grades and grade ranges have been determined based on the scores obtained by the states/UTs, and the position of each state/UT in the grading categories can change each year. The results of PGI 2.0 are not directly comparable to previous PGI reports due to changes in grading and indicators.

The Significance of Teacher Education & Training

As stated in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, teachers are the guiding force behind the holistic development of students. They possess the power to inspire, motivate, and impart knowledge that goes beyond textbooks. However, in order to fulfil this noble role effectively, teachers themselves require continuous professional development, empowering them with the necessary skills and knowledge to nurture the young minds entrusted to their care.

The TE&T domain of PGI 2.0 focuses on evaluating the proportion of teachers with minimal professional qualifications. It highlights the need to enhance the quality of teacher education and training, recruitment processes, deployment strategies, service conditions, and empowerment measures. It recognizes that these aspects are critical in ensuring that teachers are well-equipped to deliver quality education and create a positive impact on their students.

Analysis: Performance of State/UT in Category 2: Domain 6 – Teacher Education & Training (TE&T)

The performance of states/UTs in the Teacher Education & Training (TE&T) domain of PGI 2.0 is crucial in determining the quality and effectiveness of the teaching profession. The TE&T domain focuses on indicators related to the qualifications, recruitment, deployment, service conditions, and empowerment of teachers. 

The grades attained by states/UTs in this domain are as follows:

It is noteworthy that no states/UTs have achieved the Akanshi-1, Akanshi-2, or Akanshi-3 grades, indicating a need for improvement in teacher education and training across the board.

The analysis of the TE&T domain reveals varying performances among states/UTs. The states/UTs that have achieved higher grades demonstrate a strong commitment to teacher education and training, ensuring that teachers are well-qualified and empowered to deliver quality education. On the other hand, states/UTs with lower grades need to prioritize improving teacher education and training to enhance the overall quality of education.

Efforts should be directed towards providing professional development opportunities for teachers, establishing effective recruitment and deployment strategies, and improving service conditions to attract and retain high-quality educators. Collaboration between educational institutions, policymakers, and teachers' associations can play a crucial role in driving positive change in the TE&T domain.

The analysis of the TE&T domain provides valuable insights for states/UTs to identify areas of improvement and develop targeted strategies to enhance teacher education and training. By investing in the professional development of teachers and creating a supportive and empowering environment, states/UTs can elevate the quality of education and contribute to the overall improvement of the education system in the country.

Conclusion: Teacher education and training are fundamental to the holistic development of students and the overall improvement of the education system. The TE&T domain of PGI 2.0 serves as a valuable tool for assessing the current state of teacher education and training and identifying areas for improvement. Restoring the respect and status of teachers, providing continuous professional development opportunities, and empowering teachers are crucial steps in ensuring the best possible future for our children and our nation. By investing in teacher education and training, we lay a strong foundation for a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow.