RCT Proposal

Short Research Proposal

Title: Randomized Control Trial on the Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE Program for Holistic Development of Children in Early Years: Assessing the Impact of Physical Environment, Activities with Children, Parent Capacity Building, and Community Awareness Interventions


Early childhood is a critical phase in human development, with long-lasting implications for learning, health, and overall well-being. In low and middle-income countries, a staggering 43% of children under the age of five are at risk of suboptimal development and stunted growth (World Bank, 2020). This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need to address the factors contributing to poor developmental outcomes in these contexts. The home environment, where young children spend a significant portion of their time, plays a crucial role in shaping their early experiences and subsequent development. However, millions of children fail to reach their full potential due to limited age-appropriate stimulation, poor health, inadequate nutrition, exposure to stress, and other challenges associated with their home environment (UNICEF, 2019). Therefore, it is imperative to prioritize interventions that enhance the home environment for early childhood education.

The proposed research aims to conduct a randomized control trial (RCT) to evaluate the effectiveness of the Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE program in promoting the holistic development of children in their early years. The intervention will focus on four key components: improving the physical environment, engaging in activities with children, enhancing parent capacity building, and raising community awareness. This research aims to provide evidence-based insights into the impact of these interventions on children's development, as well as inform policy and practice in early childhood education.

Research Objectives:


a. Study Design:

b. Sample Selection:

c. Intervention:

Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE program comprising four key interventions:

d. Data Collection:

e. Data Analysis:

Ethical Considerations:

Expected Outcomes:


Research planning and design: [Timeframe]

Participant recruitment and data collection: [Timeframe]

Data analysis and interpretation: [Timeframe]

Report writing and dissemination: [Timeframe]


A detailed budget breakdown, including expenses for research personnel, data collection tools, participant incentives, and analysis software, will be developed.


This research proposal outlines a randomized control trial aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE program in promoting the holistic development of children in their early years. By implementing interventions targeting physical environment, activities with children, parent capacity building, and community awareness, this study seeks to provide evidence-based insights and recommendations for enhancing early childhood education and support. The findings will contribute to advancing knowledge and informing policies and practices that can positively impact children's overall development.

Detailed Research Proposal

HAALS - Proposal.pdf